SQL>CREATE TABLESPACE BigData LOGGING DATAFILE '/usr/local/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/BigData.dbf' SIZE 100M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 32M MAXSIZE 500M EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL; # 查看 SQL>select name from v$datafile;
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SQL>create temporary tablespace BigData_temp tempfile '/usr/local/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/BigData_temp.dbf' size 100m autoextend on next 32m maxsize 500m extent management local; # 查看 SQL>select name from v$tempfile;
SQL>create user letour identified by BigData default tablespace BigData temporary tablespace BigData_temp;
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grant connect,resource to letour; 查询已创建的用户 select username from dba_users; # 将用户的密码设置为123456。 alter user letour identified by 123456; 解锁用户: alter user letour account unlock; 创建会话的权限 grant create session to letour; 查询用户下所有表 SELECT * FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE OWNER= 'LETOUR'; 授予用户对该表空间的UNLIMITED配额 ALTER USER LETOUR QUOTA UNLIMITED ON BigData; 授权resource角色给用户之后,便可以创建表 GRANT RESOURCE TO LETOUR;
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# 删除表空间 drop tablespace space_name including contents and datafiles; # 修改表空间大小(注:修改=可以增大,可以减小) alter database datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ORCL/ittbank.dbf' resize 200m; # 增加表空间大小(注:增加=只能增大,不能减少) alter tablespace space_name add datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ORCL/ittbank.dbf' size 2048m; # 查询数据库文件: select * from dba_data_files; # 表空间情况 select tablespace_name,sum(bytes)/1024/1024 from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name; # 查询表空间剩余空间 select tablespace_name,sum(bytes)/1024/1024 from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name;